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Many Do Not Believe in the Covid-19 Vaccine

Despite the U.S. government stating that there is a vaccine to minimize the chances of death due to Covid-19, most people are in denial.  Many people think it is a trick to get some small technology into your body to control you and monitor you. They go as far as connecting their theory of an evil plot to implement 5 G technology. Some people have put out what they claim is proof that Bill Gates is involved, and he and others want to control the population of the world and so on and on.

You wonder why there is so much mistrust? But it is not unwarranted. It is part of American history that the colonist gave free blankets and linen contaminated with smallpox to cause disfiguring scars, blindness, and death to the American Indians. Then there was Tuskegee experiment began in 1932, where they freely injected over 600 African Americans with syphilis, a contagious venereal disease with no known cure at the time. Some Republicans believe the Democrats want to use the COVID 19 scare to take away their freedom. However, they had a Republican president named Donald Trump that knew about COVID 19 before it came as a pandemic in the U.S. but kept it a secret until it was too late. Thus, the evil of the past threatens the future. It is like the child's story called wolf when there was no wolf that now when the wolf appears, no one believes her.

People need to know how to analyze to determine the facts rather than rely on attention getters that prepare fake facts for you to believe.  There is a qualifying question that can determine the points. Is there a pandemic? Are people dying rapidly from COVID 19? Is COVID 19 in places that are radical to U.S. ideas, such as Cuba? Are other countries trying to develop their own COVID 19 Vaccine to deal with it in their own country? If all these questions point to yes, then you should believe the hype. At one point, self-preservation must kick in. In a pandemic, everyone is at risk. What is the purpose of the egotist if there is no one around to rule?

The government does not need some electromagnet force inside of you to track you or monitor you. Everyone is addicted to their cellphone, and with that, they can get all the information they need to know about you. For instance, the use of a cellphone is similar to wearing a jacket with your name on the back, and then when a stranger calls your name, you wonder how he knew your name. Here is the determining factor of whether to take the vaccine or not. Do you want a chance to suffer miserable death? If the answer is yes, then do you; do not take it.


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